The home for your company's spoken knowledge

Satchel transcribes and organizes your company's videos and meetings to make your company's spoken knowledge accessible and useful.

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Meeting knowledge, async
Can't make a meeting? Meeting overload? Satchel helps by recording, transcribing, and summarizing meetings, so you can catch up asynchronously and maximize your focus time.
Shorten time-to-insight
We generate detailed meeting summaries via GPT-3, so you can get the big picture of a 1 hour meeting in 3 minutes. Need more context? Jump into a timestamp and watch at 2× speed.
Organize tribal knowledge
All your meetings are transcribed and searchable, to help capture tribal knowledge. Easily look up past discussions and decisions, and let new teammates ramp up with historical context.
Security by default
All data is encrypted in transit and nothing sensitive is tracked. All actions we take on your behalf are fully auditable, and all integrations are tightly scoped and explained.